Hey kids, here as promised are all the links and extra info we couldn't fit into SPBM ep26 - thanks to everyone who got in touch. Great to see so many projects have found new homes - fingers crossed the rest will. If any more former-Insomnians have info on their work please drop us an email at the usual address. HUGE thanks to Nic Wilkinson for contacting so many ex-Insomnians for us and spreading the word - you rock, Nic!
Okay here we go - there's quite a list so you might want to have a quick wee before you start. Go on, I'll wait..
Matt Gibbs and Seb Antoniou Sun Moon with Marksoia.
Matt Gibbs: “Last few weeks has been great for news of Ex-Insomnia people finding new publishers. Also, the friendly spirit that attracted many of us to the publisher in the first place has remained amongst the creators.”

Michael Moreci: “I'm the writer of
Quarantined, a zombie graphic novel that was just announced for release with Markosia.
Here's a post about it. I'm also the Creative Director of
The Sleepless Phoenix, a collective born out of the Insomnia debacle; we just released our first anthology last month.
Martin Conaghan and Will Pickering selling Burke and Hare at http://www.burkeandharecomic.co.uk/ and Waterstones in Scotland.
Cy Dethan, Stephen Downey, Melanie Cook and Nic Wilkinson
Cancertown at Markosia
Cy goes into more detail: “Moved to Markosia are...
Cancertown (art: Stephen Downey, colours: Mel Cool) - new digital version with full audio commentary returning to PSP store around Xmas, other formats to follow.
The Indifference Engine: A Holographic Novel (art: Rob Carey, colours: Mel Cook) - initial digital release expected Jan/Feb 2011.
The Ragged Man (art: Neil Van Antwerpen, colours: Peter-David Douglas) - artwork coming together now. Initial digital release expected in 2011.
I've also got Slaughterman's Creed (art: Stephen Downey, inks: Andy Brown, colours: Vicky Stonebridge) coming out digitally through Markosia around the New Year - but that was always a Markosia book, not one of the orphaned Insomniacs. All my books will be lettered by Nic Wilkinson.”

Lee Robson and Bryan Coyle's
Babble is at Com.X
Lee Robson: “After the whole Insomnia debacle, we were lucky enough to
land it with Com.X, which we're ridiculously excited about. We're looking at a 2011 release for the book, and we have a website set up for it, which can be found at
http://www.babblecomic.com/ “Also due out in 2011 is Predators from Accent UK, which Bryan and I have a strip in called Just Like You (a sneak preview is at this here). And if that wasn't enough, we're also teaming up for a strip for Zarjaz featuring The ABC Warriors called Broken Dreams which is also out in 2011 (a sneaky peak is here). So, yeah, we're going to be around a fair bit next year.”
Barry Nugent's Fallen Heroes adapted by Martin Conaghan, Steve Penfold & Gat Melvyn
Jennie Gyllblad: “Corey Brotherson and I used to have a book contracted with Insomnia called Butterflies and Moths. We got one chapter done before the company gently imploded. Currently shopping around for potential publishers, but there's an online preview at my website.

Martin Stiff: “My comic,
The Absence, was signed to Insomnia who had initially hoped to publish it as a single volume. Since the company's demise, I've gone back to self-publishing it as individual issues. Currently the first two (of a total of six) are available on the on-demand website
lulu.com and the third should be out around Christmas. Recently I've been lucky enough to get some great reviews of the comic; at
forbiddenplanet.co.uk and
comicsbulletin.com I (sporadically, too infrequently) update
a blog on the comic's progress."

Jimmy Pearson: “Patrick Walsh and I are still working on
The Reckoning Vol.1 and hopefully will be able to make an announcement regarding its future soonish. In the meantime we have a
Facebook page so if people want to keep up to date with any progress it would be advisable to join the group. Patrick and I are also at work on a few other bits together but more news on those as they develop.
Right, that's all for now, folks! If you're a former Insomnia creator let is know what you're up to by dropping us an email and let us know what you're up to.
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