Thursday, 25 November 2010
The Newge bows out - Geek Syndicate ep171

Tuesday, 23 November 2010
awesome Innocent Soul preview art!
Jamie Smart wants more Chaffy art!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Stace guest-co-hosted ECBT2000AD ep38 - online
After getting their wrists slapped for being too mean on the last episode, Rich and Flint take a week off and let two much nicer people stand in for them. Despite this expect the same non kiddie friendly language and alcohol abuse you get in the other episodes. Progs 1709 & 1710 are reviewed and the first picture from the Dredd movie is discussed… well, technically its more perved over.
Direct Download: Episode 38
Friday, 19 November 2010
a wee Stargazer update

Wednesday, 17 November 2010
How's BAYOU? ARCANA be more excited!
Monday, 15 November 2010
first ever SGT MIKE BATTLE Trade Paperback
Hey kids! We've mentioned Sgt Mike Battle a few times on SPBM (I believe we described it as "absolutely fuckin' hilarious!") so we heartily recommend read the following press release and then buy the book, unless you're some kind of commie what bombed Pearl Harbor and that!
The first ever SGT MIKE BATTLE Trade Paperback!!!
For the first time ever, a trade paperback of Graham Pearce’s cult small-press comic SGT MIKE BATTLE has been released and collects the first 7 issues of Sgt. Mike Battle: The Greatest American Hero!
SGT MIKE BATTLE Volume 1 is a US-sized, black & white trade paperback featuring 280 pages of freedom-loving fun and is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers (and is the perfect excuse for existing readers to buy the collection that can go alongside their other TPBs on the bookshelf).
For those who don’t already know, Sgt. Mike Battle is an All-American comic book hero with a fictional publication history. “Even though I created him in 2000” explains writer/artist Graham Pearce “the premise is that Sgt. Mike Battle has been around since 1916 and has appeared in his own monthly comic book ever since. As the world of comic books, pop culture and politics has evolved and changed over the years, Sgt Mike Battle has rode those changes and continued to defend America from whoever was the biggest threat of the time”
The fictional history gives Pearce an almost endless range of storytelling possibilities, which is best described by the fact that in SGT MIKE BATTLE Volume 1 the Sarge goes from WW2 to the Cuban Missile Crisis to Vietnam to the Gulf War (issue #1), from 1920s Chicago to the launch of Sputnik (issue #2), from the trenches of WW1 to behind the locked doors of Clinton’s Oval office (issue #3), from the 1980s Animal-themed terrorist groups (issue #4 and 6) to the image-obsessed superheroes of the early 1990s (issue #7).
The inspiration behind Sgt. Mike Battle was the film U-571 which rewrote a crucial moment of World War 2 and it prompted Pearce to satirize Hollywood’s disregard for historical accuracy. “The first ever Sgt. Mike Battle story was World War 2 inaccurately condensed into 6 pages showing how a single American soldier liberated Europe, defeated the Nazis and killed Hitler on the same day!”
Looking back at the earlier issues, Pearce explains how the book evolved. “In issue #1 of SMB:GAH there was an over-riding storyline which ended up parodying a big Marvel story several years before it actually happened. The next couple of issues were like an anthology with several unconnected short stories. As I became more confident in my writing, the stories started to get longer from #4 onwards. The other aspect of the book is that my artistic skills and overall story-telling craft have improved with every single page and I find it quite refreshing, and slightly cringe-worthy, to see how I have grown and developed over the years”.
For those readers who have mistakenly dismissed Sgt Mike Battle as a war book or a Captain America/Nick Fury knock-off, Pearce is quick to correct them. “The book works on several levels. It is a parody of every genre and every type of comic character, is crammed with references to other comic books both new and old, has tonnes of references to Hollywood movies and has loads of satirical political and historical references as well. I forget most of the jokes in the older issues which is why it is still so much fun to go back and read them again.”
Pearce openly challenges potential readers to pickup any issue of SMB:GAH, turn to any page and try to read it without laughing. “I issue the challenge at every convention to anyone who will accept it. It’s a pretty good way to lure in new readers. 40% of people laugh at the covers, 30% notice something amusing as they flick through to a random page and 29% chuckle as the read the dialogue on their chosen page. The remaining 1% of people either find a page with no jokes on it or they just don’t have a sense of humour. I want everyone reading this news item to come by at the next UK convention to take on the challenge, if they dare!”
SGT MIKE BATTLE Volume 1 is out now for £12 from grahampearce8@netscape.net, can be ordered via www.sgtmikebattle.co.uk, via SGT MIKE BATTLE Fan Club on Facebook or from Lulu
Brand new Matthew Craig update!
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Hypersomnia Corner!
Hey kids, here as promised are all the links and extra info we couldn't fit into SPBM ep26 - thanks to everyone who got in touch. Great to see so many projects have found new homes - fingers crossed the rest will. If any more former-Insomnians have info on their work please drop us an email at the usual address. HUGE thanks to Nic Wilkinson for contacting so many ex-Insomnians for us and spreading the word - you rock, Nic!
Okay here we go - there's quite a list so you might want to have a quick wee before you start. Go on, I'll wait..
Matt Gibbs and Seb Antoniou Sun Moon with Marksoia.
Matt Gibbs: “Last few weeks has been great for news of Ex-Insomnia people finding new publishers. Also, the friendly spirit that attracted many of us to the publisher in the first place has remained amongst the creators.”

Martin Conaghan and Will Pickering selling Burke and Hare at http://www.burkeandharecomic.co.uk/ and Waterstones in Scotland.
“Also due out in 2011 is Predators from Accent UK, which Bryan and I have a strip in called Just Like You (a sneak preview is at this here). And if that wasn't enough, we're also teaming up for a strip for Zarjaz featuring The ABC Warriors called Broken Dreams which is also out in 2011 (a sneaky peak is here). So, yeah, we're going to be around a fair bit next year.”

Barry Nugent's Fallen Heroes adapted by Martin Conaghan, Steve Penfold & Gat Melvyn

Jennie Gyllblad: “Corey Brotherson and I used to have a book contracted with Insomnia called Butterflies and Moths. We got one chapter done before the company gently imploded. Currently shopping around for potential publishers, but there's an online preview at my website.

Saturday, 13 November 2010
Episode 26 is online!
Heyyyyyyyy! Welcome to a packed-to-bursting-point Small Press Big Mouth episode 26 where Stace & Lee present a big update on what’s happening with the creators and projects left stranded or homeless by the folding of Insomnia Publications. Which projects have found new homes and what are the creators doing now? Find out in new feature HYPERSOMNIA CORNER. We also have the usual news and recommendations as well as squeeze in reviews of Jennie Gyllblad’s SKAL and Emily Carroll’s HIS FACE ALL RED. Enjoy and, hey kids, be cool!
Direct Download: Episode 26
Quiet! Panelologists At Work podcast
Everything Comes back To 2000AD blog
(all the Hypersonia Corner links & info will be posted in a separate blog later tonight or tomorrow)