The fragrant and talented Nic Wilkinson has updated the Slaughterman's Creed News Facebook page with some exciting news regarding their plans for the Bristol International Comics & Small Press Expo which will be occurring on the 14th-15th May. Over to you, Nic...
"There is going to be a convention special edition of Slaughterman's Creed, signed by all the creators, on sale at the Bristol Comic Con in May at the special price of £10.
Everyone who buys it on the day, or pre-orders it before the 14th May to be sent out after the show will be entered into a competition to win an original piece of art pencilled by Stephen Downey and coloured by Vicky Stonebridge.
We know that not everyone will be physically going to the con, and some people will only be there for one or other of the days, so if you would like to reserve a copy to be held behind the stand, or posted out to you, please then you need to get in touch with us now and we will add your name to the list, and email you to let you know the options for how to pay.
If you are not coming to the show there will be postage added to the £10 which is £2 in the UK and £4 for overseas delivery.
Also... as well as the signing and sketching sessions at the Markosia stand in the Ramanda, the Slaughterman's Creed "Chopping Bloc", Vicky Stonebridge, Stephen Downey, Nic Wilkinson and Cy Dethan will have a table in the Mercure SPEXPO side of Bristol Con.
Have a think about what you want the guys to draw!"
Excellent stuff! And keep your ears tuned to SPBM for Stace & Lee's review of Slaughterman's Creed.
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