The Royal Wedding Comic Bundle
review by Rich McAuliffe
Ok, that’s not the official title of this collection. It doesn’t even have an official title. But as you can only buy these three comics bundled together online I thought it needed to be called something.
So what you are getting here are “Kate Middleton’s Diary” a six page mini comic that you will read in under a minute and “Mine’s a Gin & Tonic” and “The Green Lady Mystery” both longer and more traditionally laid out mini comics dealing with the Queen Mother. All the above written and drawn by David O’Connell.
Dealing with the Middleton one first you are basically getting six one page cartoons each based around a fictitious entry in the diary of “our adored future Queen”. Like it says on the back, “Read the story of her incredible romance with Prince William as told in her own graceful words. Gush at the general loveliness of it all”. As you’d probably guess this isn’t designed for the same audience as some of the other royal comics currently doing the rounds. That said though, while it does of course poke fun at the inbred idio… I mean lovely royal couple, it actually isn’t half as nasty as it could be or as you might expect. The art is basic and cartoony but totally works and definitely got a few chuckles out of me. All in all a fun little book and one that is probably closer to the truth than the other sugar coated versions out there destined to be placed between commemorative plates and used just as much.

You can get all three of these sent to you for the bargain sum of £4.50 from David’s website: I did after seeing a preview page posted by the guys from Forbidden’s Planet blog and am glad I did so and will definitely be keeping an eye out to see what David puts out next.
Huge thanks to Rich McAuliffe of the awesome Everything Comes Back To 2000AD podcast for this review. This is something we'd really like to have a lot more of on the blog so if you've got an indie or small press comic you want to review, or feel like sharing your experience of a con or comics event please get in touch!
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