Welcome to Small Press Big Mouth Episode 16, your hosts Stace and Lee have news and reviews of Harker by Roger Gibson and Vince Danks, Road Crew, Axe Cop and Asterios Polyp.We also have a great chat about Richard Stark’s Parker the Hunter by Darwyn Cooke! We hope you enjoy it!

Axe Cop - http://axecop.com/
Road Crew - www.roadcrewcomic.com/
Harker - www.arielpress.com/
Nexus - www.rudedudeproductions.com/
Darwyn Cooke - http://darwyncooke.blogspot.com/
David Mazzuccelli - unfortunately has no website that I can find.

This episode also includes the first winner of our Big Mouth Tweet Tout Twitter contest.
(www.geekplanetonline.com/gen_newsgeek/ - check it out) Please enjoy our audience participation section and shout "Big Mouth Tweet Tout!" when the show goes inexplicably silent! This was totally deliberate and intentional and a bold experiment in bleeding-edge podcasting technology and not at all in any way whatsoever a bit of a fluff-up, honest! Tweet your ass off at The Gorgeous Stace here: http://twitter.com/stace_w
Talking of The Whittle, as mentioned in the 'cast here's the exclusive sneak preview of her daughter-chomping appearance in the upcoming Damaged Goods - written by Rich McAuliffe, illustrated by Mark Chilcott and published by Insomnia (www.insomniapublications.com/) soon!

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