Looking back Western was probably my first favourite artist. He illustrated my favourite strip when I was growing up The Leopard from Lime Street in Buster, though at the time I wouldn’t have known his name as the strips in Buster didn’t carry credits. Western’s jaggy style gave the schoolboy superheroics a kitchen-sink grittiness that looks bizarrely post-Watchmen-y from today’s perspective, rather like seeing Spider-Man leaping around Coronation Street.
As a kid Western's artistic skills were invisible to me – I never noticed how great his storytelling was, or what a great
draftsman he was, how detailed yet uncluttered his panels are; I just knew it was good and that I liked it, that it was exciting and scary and looked real. Looking at his work as an adult I'm simply filled with admiration.
As a kid Western's artistic skills were invisible to me – I never noticed how great his storytelling was, or what a great
Western’s best work was arguably the strips he created for Battle Picture Weekly during the later 1970’s and early 80s; strips like The Sarge, HMS Nightshade and Darkie’s Mob – those (alongside Leopard and the two war strips he did for Speed comic) are certainly the one I love the most. Like so many classic British artists Western spent most of his career underrated and underappreciated other than by the boys who were simply carried away by his storytelling. If there was any justice in the world Mike Western would be as revered and respected as Joe Kubert is in the US.

The Darkie’s Mob hardcover is due out on the 23rd April.
A wealth of Western’s artwork on view here:
A wealth of Western’s artwork on view here:
A collection of interviews with Mike Western here:
Further (better) tributes to Mike Western here:
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