Wednesday, 23 June 2010

SPBM recommends: Good Comics for Kids

Another really impressive article I thought was worth a plug. With kid's comics seemingly becoming a lost art its great to see such a long list of recommendations!

Friday, 11 June 2010

Happy podiversary to us!

The first episode of Small Press Big Mouth went live one year ago today! Huge thanks to the Geek Syndicate boys for hosting it for us and all their encouragement & support; thanks from me (Lee) to Stace for asking me to be her co-host and a big thank you to everyone who listens in! Cheers!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Stacey co-hosting ECBT2000AD ep 26 - online now!

With Flint unavailable Stacey once again steps in to help work through progs 1684-86, recap the Bristol Comic Expo and take the p*ss out of Flints “yappy type dogs”. As usual, spoilers throughout and language not suitable for the kiddies

Direct Download: Episode 26

Sunday, 6 June 2010

SPBM Recommendeds: How To Start Reading Comics

I was so impressed by this beginners guide to comics I thought I'd give it a plug. I can't remember ever reading an article that laid out the basics for 'civilians' so clearly, sensibly and enthusiasticly.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Bristol Con Report

If you would like to read my fabulous and wonderful con report you can do so on the SFX website by pressing this lovely link

Me and The Lovely Lee recorded a few thoughts about panels which shall go into the next episode, it was the first time we've ever recorded face to face which was a really weird but nice thing. Sitting in the sunshine chatting about comics at a convention - what more could a pair o geeks ask for?